Sonntag, 26. Oktober 2014

16. October 2014 - Thursday

The first time it rained too much – in Afrikaans. We worked on our blogs, because the others did something special. Then we had Tea (a roll with bacon in it) and after tea we had some other things till lunch. For example in Maths we learned how to prove congruency. Then we had lunch, then again one lesson school and then we had DJ (drums). We were by a funny boy named Geko who learned us some rhythms. We had to laugh a lot because of the “fluffy hands” or whatever.
Before and after supper we wrote on our blogs. For supper we had lasagne or vegetables with meet, you had the choice to choose. Then it starts rain again – thunderstorms!! Sometimes we were in alarm when a thunder was so loud and at the same time as the flash…
rain & I

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